So, in a rare turnaround, Trumpsky admits defeat...

Oct 20, 2019 09:42

He's NOT going to force Doral down taxpayers' collective throats?? Finally, Repubs show some GUTS!

That was the story on Sunday; today, more odd details emerged. (Hey, it's fucking Trumpsky! What do you expect?)

Despite Trumpsky's grudging concession to reality, Repubs are starting to abandon him: Florida Congressman Rooney criticized the Doral caper and"retired" from Congress over the weekend -- loathe to face Trump's well-known hostility. He "said he was considering backing Trump's impeachment" over the Ukraine imbroglio.

No fewer than "129 House Repubs backed a resolution criticizing" Trumpsky's Doral play. And Senate leader McConnell "in a rare public rebuke of Trump wrote a withering op-ed in the Post."

"Trump has been closely watching Repubs...about impeachment, according to one Administration official." And another unnamed official said, "There was very little support for [the Doral caper] in the [White House] even before Mick [Trump's chief of staff] went out there and did what he did." That is, admitting that Trump had extorted the President of Ukraine to get dirt on Joe Biden.

THIS week should see the Dems' impeachment effort expand further, and the cursed Trumpsky look ever more bereft.

ambitions, crisis management, anti-ripoffs, badnews, courage, coming out, cheesy

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