
Sep 01, 2019 13:39

Just saw a comment on Daily KOS (by one R.Galli) about a fierce dispute* in academia: "And there’s no more [maybe he means"better"?] confirmation of this than in he-who-calls-himself-’president’ (loser case ‘p’ intended)....iI"

First, since I'm always looking for ways to sneer at Trumpsky, I DO like the "he-who-would-call-himself..." circumlocution.

BUT, second, there's a possible Malapropism or typo, "loser case" -- which is probably a clever and VERY snide pun...

Thanks, R. You enlivened my early afternoon!

* As someone famous once said, ther are no fiercer disputes than those in the halls of academe, "..where the stakes are so small."

corrected, blogging, aphorism

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