Trumpsky fucks with US-Israeli relations, not to mention Congress's role

Aug 16, 2019 01:03

Oh, geez! Today the Orange Asshole decided he could get Israel to "dress up" his ongoing feud with the "Squad" -- young freshly-elected minority Congresswomen, two of whom were set to visit Israel during the current Hill recess.

So he tweets his "opinion" that our longstanding ally should NOT allow them to enter. That is, he's blithely interfering with the Constitutional order: Congress is an equal branch of our government, and the Executive Branch may NOT interfere with the authority of the Legislative.

Worse, in some ways, he's ignorant of the damage he's doing to the bilateral diplomatic relations. Brian Williams on MSNBC tonight said Trumpsky acted "as if PM Netanyahu were no more than the governor of a 51st state, and a 'red one' at that."

There is absolutely NO precedent for this high-handed action -- all to please a bunch of idiots in his vaunted "base". It is malfeasance of his official duties, and ergo constitutes a "high crime" -- and should be enumerated in the bill of charges justifying his impeachment!

crisis management, boobs, badnews, cheesy, horror show, goodbye, guilt, politics strange bedfellows, hoist on petard, fucking sad

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