Michael Bennet for President!

Jul 14, 2019 12:27

I'm having a lovely morning, first one back in Washington after a month in Florida. (Mind you, I don't have a problem residing there in the summer, as some do -- starting with my sig-other Joanne.)

But having WashPost awaiting outside my door is heaven. (Perhaps Up There the headlines might be a trifle less edgy -- today, "When a 'prank' became a hate crime" about local anti-semitic vandalism.)

And on the op-ed page -- Sen. Michael Bennet from CO, being touted for the 2020 race against Trumpsky* by no less than former Repub George Will.

Will's column ran country-wide:

Denver's Post isn't kin to Washington's, but it was the first to turn up in Google's results. And that's fitting since Bennet represents the state in the US Senate. He's not technically a "native son." (Fascinatingly, he was born in New Delhi** where his politico father was working with Ambassador Chester Bowles.)

Do read Will's column, which persuasively (as much as a "never Trump" Repub can) argues for Bennet -- noting he has NONE of the "electability" problems of every OTHER Dem in the race.

Dare I say he more than a bit resembles Kennedy? And the public-service as a family calling? He made his fortune as a lawyer and bsiness executive, then got elected Denver's Superintendent of Public Schools --where he did so well that the people of Colorado sent him to the US Senate.

* I keep using MY made-up name for him here -- where I launched it the day in summer 2016 that the Tangerine Fibber was first reported to be on Putin's payroll. (Yeah, we can't prove it YET...)

** I too worked at the Delhi Embassy, many years later (early 90s); a high point was the visit of Bowles' successor, a real hero of mine, J.K. Galbraith. I had read his book, "Ambassador's Journal," about the 60s in India (how about, oh, then-First Lady Jackie Kennedy's official visit?). It was what motivated me to join the Foreign Service.
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