Migration policy debacle worsens

Jul 11, 2019 21:42

Rachel Maddow on MSNBC reports on Thursday night that a big new human-rights organizaion, "Lights for Liberty," is orchestrating demonstrations on Friday at dozens of Border Patrol locales. Tens of thousands of demonstrators are expected.

Sen. Kamala Harris, currently the 4th highest-polling candidate for the Dems' 2020 challenge to Trumpsky, guested on Rachel's show tonight. Much discussion of the Tsngerine Asshole's manifest faiings on migration, including the ICE plan to bust 2,500 otherwise-harmless alien families this weekend.

I predict the Trump-heralded ICE raids across the US will fail dismally, just as Trumpsky's effort to put a citizenship question into the 2020 census is now collapsing. Cities such as Chicago have announced they will not support such blanket (and obsessive) enforcement. Local law enforcement in many localities will not aid ICE.

There's ICE-ing on this sad "cake" -- the agency fatuously announced today it would NOT do raids in hurricane-threatened New Orleans right now.

How frigging "humane" of them!

Or, per the old US Army acronym for failed official actions, SNAFU, "Sitation normal -- all fucked up"...

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