Goddamned Border Patrol!

Jul 09, 2019 23:00

A startling title, but that is how I -- and MILLIONS of my fellow Americans -- feel or SOON will feel about the Border Patrol (USBP), passively "going along" with official mistreatment of asylum seekers and other migrants.

They do NOT represent the United States of America! They are immoral and incompetent, and every single USBP officer -- and certainly all of the leadership -- should resign if they have any shred of honor. The agency should be abolished, and we should spend WHATEVER it costs to get humane people to deal with those who seek refuge in our country.

Those are my conclusions after past months, listening to ever more sickening reports about abuses and gross neglect along the border. Only the western part of the border had not been heard from -- until tonight!

Rachel Maddow tonight on MSNBC reports a "scoop" that the Yuma (AZ) USBP headquarters is the focus of hundreds of "significant incident reports" detailing abuses. Things are so bad that --honestly -- the United Nations should review the US programs and condemn the Trump Administration for gross human rights abuse!

Rachel was a tiny bit cautious about what SHOULD happen as a result -- but I'm NOT! The USBP should be investigated thoroughly and its leaders prosecuted, as appropriate.

Enough bullshit! Fix our immigration system!

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