Catch-22 lives again!

May 18, 2019 12:48

Eons ago, I diacovered Joaeph Heller's awesome novel about WWII, Catch-22. As anti-war aa you can imagine, it followed a sad-sack* named Yossarian as he resisted the fog of war.

It was made into a terrific film by Mike Nichols, with the stellar Alan Arkin as Yossarian.

And now, a mere couple of decades later, it's again appeared as an 8-part series by Hulu. The late Mike Nichols wouldn't know from "Hulu" -- but he deserves a more positive review than "[the book's] sharp humor was also somewhat difficult to glean from Nichols' 1970 movie adaptation."

Since I have no clue HOW to access Hulu, I doubt I'll ever see it.

* Yes,"sad-sack" is authentic WWII slang...

movie, capsule-experience, laughs, deliciousness, drama, bedfelllows, military, aroused, philosophical, hoist on petard

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