Impeach Barr!

May 01, 2019 23:44

Whoa! Today was kinda horrible, and the worst part is that I watched the whole pathetic Barr event live on TV. Mind you, I DIDN'T intend to -- but Joanne at 10 o'clock turned on the coverage of his wretched Senate testimony, and I just got caught up in it.

The scene was set, of course, by the publication of Special Counsel Mueller's complaints to AG Barr about how Barr misrepresented the report of Mueller's investigation of Trumpsky. The latter's illegal behavior in the 2016 elections and afterwards was, yep, the thrust of the 22-month investigation.

I'm not going to rehash the whole imbroglio, which has occupied us for the past six fucking weeks. But I DO want to say that Mueller stumbled badly in trusting the AG to treat him and his team fairly.

Once it was clear to Mueller in late March that Barr had simply "captured" the initiative on the damned report, he should have "gone public" with his objection to Barr's whitewash of Trumpsky. Instead, he privately sent Barr a LETTER on March 23 -- and a follow-up on the 25th -- as was revealed only yesterday. Today Barr testified before rhe Senate Judiciary Committee -- and the goddamned cat was out of the bag.

And the four hours of his parrying questions from Committee members WAS halfway decent entertainment. But Barr was unashamed for having cheated us out of the Mueller report for many weeks -- giving him all that time to neutralize the report's just criticism of the lying Trumpsky.

After the Senate session, Barr's office added insult to injury by cancelling Thursday's hearing by the House of Representatives on the same subject.

Now, House Democrats MUST soon sanction Barr for contempt of Congress -- but, actually, they should go for broke, moving to impeach him. (The procedure seems to be considerably simpler than for a President, and it could be a useful warning for the White House.)

crisis management, current events, disappointed, losing friends, historic, decisive moment, cheesy, faking it, desperation, fucked, damned, bitch

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