My thoughts about Assange

Apr 11, 2019 14:15

A friend of mine asked about what will happen to Julian Assange, now arrested in London. I just wrote her that the 7-year "guest" of the Ecuadoreans "...has more info than anyone short of Putin himself about Trumpsky's egregious connections to the Russkies. When and how he shares that info, well, THAT is a very good pair of questions."

I told her that she's "...right about the Swedes not wanting him, so American extradition is the main direction that this imbriglio is going. Of course, Trumpsky AND Barr, the AG, in their evil heart of hearts do NOT want him to come here for trial.

"But HOW do they throw the proverbial 'spanner [Brit for 'wrench'] into the works'? Well, because Barr already this month ran headlong into a meat-grinder over the Mueller report, he's surely not eager to make himself conspicuous on a whole OTHER subject.

"And a whole lot of national security folks in Washington DO want to put Assange on trial. He is a criminal whose life's work, such as it is, has quite possibly got people killed.

"And Trumpsky's done NO favors for Teresa May -- so the Brits will be happily 'shed of him' (a UK turn of phrase) -- and get to embarrass The Don in the bargain.

"Yay, Ecuador!"

russia, intrigue, shameless, punishment, international politics, secrets, not forgotten, freedom. history, handcuffs, proof, damned, manipulative, guilt, sweden, hoist on petard, celebrity, capsule-experience, no good, crisis management, pissed off, decisive moment, coming out, crime politics, faking it, scandanavia, politics strange bedfellows, flirting dangerously, remarkable story, getting lucky, writer's block

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