AG Barr deals with Mueller report

Mar 23, 2019 08:08

So, Friday the 22nd: the fateful day for Special Counsel Mueller to deliver results of his 2-year look at Trumpsky's collusion with Putin and Russia. Alas, by the Justice Department's arcane rules governing such investigations, only AG Barr has the actual report for now.

I followed the MSNBC coverage last night from the first confirmation at 5:00 pm yesterday to midnight. I skipped lightly over their usual hour-long "shows" by the talking heads (especially Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell and Brian Williams). They DID somehow keep it from being boring -- or, worse, from seemibg like the bizarre anti-climax that it WAS.

This morning's newspapers also managed to deeply engage on the non-events. My on-line Washington Post summaries were quite good: I'm still hanging out in Florida, but Joanne is up there -- she tells me there was a weird little snowstorm in DC yeserday just prior to the breaking news but she got home from her classes okay.

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