Trumpsky heading for justice -- for better or worse!

Apr 10, 2018 00:50

It was another crazy day here in Washington, though the big news for The Donald was back in his hometown, New York.

There, pursuant to court-ordered warrants, FBI teams executed raids on the residences and office of Trumpsky's "personal" lawyer, Michael Cohen. (The distinction in "personal" is that Donald has other lawyers here and elsewhere, handling the Russian election-tampering case, etc.)

Trumpsky himself, as well as some newsies, missed a subtle point: Special Counsel Mueller found evidence of illegal activity by Cohen, specifically in wire and bank fraud and other areas NOT related to (1) the Russia mess, and (2) the lawsuit by porn star Stormy Daniels -- involving illicit hush money paid just before the 2016 election to cover up their affair. Even Daniels' elated attorney, on TV, seemed to miss that point.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller, appropriately determined that the New York matter be referred to the US Attorney there -- not handled by the Mueller office here.

As I noted, Trumpsky went utterly bonkers today at the news, publicly moaning how "unfair" it all was -- poor baby! He seem to have understood little about the finer points of the Mueller and Rosenstein actions -- notable, however, was him abusing a White House meeting on military policy, calling reporters in and blustering for twenty minutes about how the Justice Department had failed him.

The TV "commentariat" tonight seems to think it quite possible that Trumpsky will resort to high-handed action in coming days, perhaps firing the entire Justice Department, down to the janitors. That and/or bombing Syria to take out his anger at Mueller & Co. -- and, just incidentally, to punish Damascus for its unpardonable use of poison gas against innocent civilians laat weekend. Whatever he does, it won't be pretty...

russia, error, crisis management, shameless, pissed off, decisive moment, horror show, politics, desperation, insanity, damned, manipulative, fireworks, fucking sad

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