Feb 02, 2018 07:26
"The failing president" -- swiping his nickname for The NY Times -- is do or die today. Either he kicks off his most vicious, poorly focused and desperate attack on his enemies (OMG shades of Tricky Dick!) OR he opts for caution -- and abandons a weak-but-willing ally, Devin Nunes.*
And today is Trumpsky's last stand. If he allows the Nunes gambit to proceed as he wants, well, he becomes the LOSER he has long feared he is.
However, if he listens (ha, he just DOESN'T do that!) to his few cautious advisors, he cuts Nunes off at the ankles -- announcing that the idiot "memo" is dangerous trash and it must be put back into the locked classified files. He'd regain the grudging faith of the intel community, and of some pundits.
He'd have to continue his ugly private fight with Special Counsel Mueller, but he would "live to fight another day" -- and that would be good news for his more rational friends, as well as for the rest of us!
* The House Intel Committee chairman -- now noted for an epic fail last year, looking downright silly as Trumpsky's errand boy -- even has a name most talking-heads on MSNBC cannot pronounced right. "Nunes" is Portuguese, not Spanish. Hence, NO "tilde" (the wavy line Spanish puts on "n" to make it what's referred to as an "n-yay") in Portuguese. Making that letter the same as in English ("enn"). So, NOT "noon-yez" but rather "noon-ess"...