The "double whammy"...

Dec 21, 2017 01:09

Today, Wednesday Dec 20, was a horrid day in the ongoing horror that is the Trump presidency. Two aspects are equally sordid and disgusting:
(1) the passage of the most wretched tax giveaway in American history (and right up there in WORLD historical terms); and
(2) increasing evidence of a conspiracy between a dozen House Repubs (notably Intelligence Conmittee Chair Devin Nunes) and the White House, egged on by Fox News, to encourage Trumpsky to illegally fire Robert Muller, the Special Prosecutor.

The possibility of this latter outrage was identified in an unprecedented Senate speech today by Democrat John Warner, Vice Chair of the Senate Intel Committee. He warned that Senators had to publicly resist any attempt by Trumpsky and his allies to destroy the ongoing investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Doing any such thing would precipitate a "constitutional crisis" which the Congress is obliged to oppose. The American people must deny Trumpsky any attempt to undermine Muller's legitimate work on behalf of our democracy.

Warner-s timing is crucial: the White House cabal may well try to oust Muller while Congress is away for Christmas recess.

I hope a great many senators and Congresspersons go public -- before they leave town! Concrete warnings must proliferate against any such unconstitutional efforts.

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