THREE new books on misogyny

Dec 03, 2017 16:31

Today's Post carries a superb review by a top book-critic (a man, no less) of new work on American misogyny -- important in today's gender warfare context.

Of the three, the one I'm hitting the library for tomorrow is Kate Manne's "Down Girl -- the Logic of Misogyny." Lozada picks out what seems to me the crucial definition in the conflicted field: "misogynists EXPECT [my emphasis] women to dutifully provide 'feminine-coded goods' such as attention, adoration and indulgence while they enjoy 'masculine-coded perks' such as leadership, authority, money and status,"

And I cannot pass up her word for the system's built-in infalability accorded to men: "himpathy."

Moving on to Zoe Quinn* and her "Crash Override," she's evidently thought about last year's election a lot, singling out the causes: "white men[;] white women who will do anything to maintain the protection of white men [;] a few sexist men of color [and] stone-cold racists." This is, she says, "the left's common wisdom and enduring anger re the election."

Sounds like the recipe for a civil war...

* Quinn is a video-game "developer and anti-online-abuse activist" who survived a "notorious episode known as Gamergate... [terrible] digital harassment against a woman who had the temerity to make inclusive video games that grapple with subjects like mental illness...[She] recounts how an ex-boyfriend in 2014 "incited a relentless mob of 'online white supremacist movements, misogynist nerds, conspiracy theorists, and dispassionate hoaxers' who got their kicks threatening and harassing Quinn and her friends and relatives..."

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