Another GOP Senator gives up on Trumpsky -- and Manifort's ass is grass!

Aug 03, 2017 14:01

"When he was asked to respond to The Post's report about the president's role in dictating Donald Jr.'s misleading statement about his meeting with a Russian national at Trump Tower, Sen. James Risch (R-Idaho) told CBS News: 'I guarantee you there were phone calls in addition to those emails, and I want to hear all of it before I answer the question you put to me.'”

We MUST turn these GOP idiots from carping about details to REJECTING Trumpsky as president. I'd like to know about those "phone calls," too -- but I want more than rearranging the fucking deck chairs! Mueller's investigations are proceeding, and we WILL get answers. (The unannounced FBI raid two weeks ago on Russian/Turkish agent Paul Manifort, revealed today [Thursday], shows how quickly the investigation is moving.)

Repubs MUST get their heads around resisting Trumpsky frontally. They will need to join Dems in seeking to impeach him as soon as sufficient evidence is available. Otherwise, their political futures are grim...

insanity, politics strange bedfellows, awakening, dumb!

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