A fantasy

Jul 18, 2017 11:11

This morning's news about two more GOP senators' announced opoosition to the Trump-dont-care bill was such good news that I should be content. And I am, but I remain pissed that the Reoublicans should have made it a close thing!

And a nasty fantasy formed in my otherwise-charitable mind: it is such BAD news for Trumpsky and for his minion Senate Majority (gack!) Leader Mitch McConnell. One might imagine both of them promptly dying of richly deserved heart attacks!

Mind you, I am not wishing it upon them. No, actually, I think it's GOOD for them both to hang around a while, seeing the collapse of their unconscionable efforts to screw their fellow human beings.

Let it be known (this is about you, Rand Paul!) that true conservatism would not delight in denying health care to "the [Biblical] least of them" -- as I read on a hand-lettered sign at an anti-Trump demonstration yesterday. That is just mean-spirited selfishness: "I've got MINE -- so the poor bastards can go fuck themselves!"
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