"There are no accidents"... Amsterdam version

Jul 02, 2017 02:33

Yesterday, Joanne and I slept late (see preceding post), and then wandered into the old city that both of us love. We had a two-part lunch in outdoor locales, enjoying the street scene. We sized up a small hotel, quiet, cute and reasonably priced, for a future visit. (Happy to provide etails to any friend here who wants the info.)

And, having coffee in a side-street bar, we were "picked up" (no other word for it!) by a group of four fun girls giving one her bachelorette send-off.

Joanne was unusually open to this sudden pick-up, nor was she pissed that an attractive one settled next to me and intensely chatted me up. She was a young 40s mom of two teens; she pointedly said she'd never married the father, with whom she lived.

Joanne wss talking to several of the other girls -- we had some wine, and they obviously had been drinking all day, but no one was far gone.

Anyway, the one -- Bren -- was all over me, touches, whispers, little intimacies. But all six of us were talking life stories, details of the wedding, much general merriment.

This went on for well over an hour, and Bren seemed ever more intimate -- and Joanne was curiously pleased at all of it. For my part, mmmm, being seduced was not hard to take.

It had to end, and the arrival of two overdue bachelorettes brought the thing to finish: they had catching up to do, but all duly resisted our departure. Addresses were exchanged, hopes to meet again, regret that we had to sail in the morning. And in particular, Bren kissing me fiercely -- with Joanne benignly looking on. OMG, if a bed had been handy... (No, not quite.)

We eventually made our way back to the hotel, and I figured she'd register some unhappiness -- but no! She promptly put together a thank-you email to Bren, reading it to me, and was altogether pleased at the encounter.

Now, morning after, she's still snoozing. Put it down to everyone enjoying how high we all were, how nice the weather was, small world, whatever. It was a massively unusual thing, no more, no less. Life in a party town.
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