More about Michael Flynn, Trumpsky's fired NatSecurity Advisor

May 09, 2017 01:42

Yesterday's testimony before a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee was intriguing. It really COULD begin to make a case of electoral "collusion" between Trump and the Russkies. Joanne and I watched live coverage on C-Span3, utterly fascinated.

Sally Yates, the former Acting Attorney General -- who in the first ten days of Trump's pathetic Administration alerted them to Flynn having lied to the Vice President -- had not spoken publicly about it in the intervening ten weeks. She testified yesterday about how she had warned Trumpsky's White House about sensitive intel proving Flynn was unfit to be National Security Advisor. Trumpsky fired him two weeks later, only after Flynn's lying was reported in the press.

Three days after she had warned the White House, on January 30, she was fired by Trumpsky for an ostensibly separate reason: her refusal to let Justice Department attorneys defend his "first" Muslim ban. (She responded persuasively to several Republican senators on the Subcommittee that the immigration ban was of questionable legality -- a conclusion confirmed by Federal courts.)

Intriguingly, the press yesterday confirmed that last November, just two days after Trumpsky was "elected" (thanks, Electoral College!), then-President Obama had specifically warned him about Flynn's Russian ties. (Obama had sacked Flynn for poor performance as the head of DIA back in 2014.) And later yesterday, the evening TV news confirmed that The Donald blithely stated in a tweet that he spurned Obama's important advice.


not forgotten, outrageous, insanity, shameless, horror show

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