Jan 29, 2017 09:08
We have now seen just how awful the Trumpsky Administration is likely to be. He's only upset our relations with Mexico, the UK, Germany, and China -- and that only six days in office. (Uniquely among world "leaders," he takes weekends off -- well, except for Tweeting, but that hardly counts as work!)
If I were in any doubt of the man's terrible impact on this nation, a brief encounter in a local bar would have erased it. I was enjoying a beer, watching MSNBC (with closed captions), and a couple sits next to me -- and the guy immediately disparages MSNBC. I say mildly that it's "real" about the new administration. He yawps about preferring Fox "News." I cite a few of the issues we face, and he counters with undiluted Trumpsky crapola. I point to daily examples of "alternate truth" out of Carrie Anne & Co. He says I'm wrong, wrong, wrong. I pay for my beer, tell him to go fuck himself, and leave.
This is going downhill fast!
not into it,
no good,