"Illegitimi non carborundum" -- roughly, don't let the bastards grind you down

Dec 13, 2016 23:54

Both Joanne AND I are a bit down, discovering that the bad vibes of the past month in Washington are turning into bad vibes here in Vero Beach. That is, our escape to Vero lacks some magic this year. And today was equally bad, with Trumpsky confirming the unlikely rumor that he would name the Russians' favorite American oilman to become our next Secretary of State.

Just to rub it in, he bopped downstairs in the TT to grimace at the news cameras with rapper Kanye West. As the press immediately reported, somehow he found time to goof around JUST after deferring a long-overdue press conference. At that conference, he had promised, he'd address his intolerable conflicts of interest (including the supposed "blind trust" he feigns not to understand).

Anyhow, J and I resolved today that we would try harder to ignore the manic coverage of the Trumpsky follies in coming weeks. Oh, we will resist when we can do helpful stuff. We'll continue to sign well-meaning petitions (like the one demanding the Senate address the Supreme Court vacancy as it convenes in early January). Moreover, we will demand our Senators and Congressmen do their damned jobs, grilling Tillerson and other unqualified Cabinet nominees.

Hell, we'll EVEN cross our fingers in the slight hope that the Electoral College will properly DELIBERATE the choice of the next president -- not just unthinkingly rubber-stamp the "Manchurian Candidate."

Trumpsky will probably be inaugurated -- but I predict he will be impeached within the first year in office.

Meanwhile, we resolve not to let the Trumpsky disaster dominate our lives.

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegitimi_non_carborundum

not forgotten, sharing, no good, shameless

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