Last night I encountered perhaps the MOST ambitious erotic site I've ever seen: I give you the URL because you sexy readers WILL want to look it up -- nice photos, poetry, a beautiful point of view.
It's by a Spanish speaker. She divides her home-page into seven URLs; six are sexy separate tumblrs, and one zips you off to]. They are titled as follows:
Archivo, time does not exist, con las faldas bien puestas, espejos y espejismos, a mi modo(a), sensualidades, and el tiempo esférico...
Allow me to translate -- (1) Archive; (2) [already in English] (3) With one's skirts well arranged [presumably an old saying]; (4) Mirrors and mirages [thoughtful pun in Spanish]; (5) In my way (fashion [cute pun in Spanish], which is about her interest in clothing styles); (6) Sensualities; and (7) "Spherical" time [retro fashion].
You can spend HOURS there! It is delicious!!