The weekend -- and the times

Nov 14, 2016 09:39

It was a most peculiar late-fall weekend. Mostly, we're all recovering from the wretched Trump election last week: as the Prophet Bob long ago put it, "the times -- they are a-changin ( Read more... )

not into it, sharing, holier than thou, afraid no more

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Comments 4

eqfe November 14 2016, 14:52:52 UTC
We. all hug our loved ones closer in times of crisis


devifemme November 14 2016, 15:01:38 UTC
Don't we EVER, Bob! Thanks for ringing in...


ggary November 17 2016, 23:30:13 UTC
I'm pleased that things seem to be going well with you and Joanne. It's especially nice at this time of year, whether you're an active believer or not. Both myself and Helen have decided to really celebrate Xmas this year. Time to reclaim the holiday ( ... )


jaysons_lady November 19 2016, 23:17:30 UTC
Well, if it makes you feel any better, only about half of the eligible voters actually voted, so really only about one fourth of people voted for Trump.


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