Parody of the arch-lesbian view -- once my OWN -- of fallible males

Sep 12, 2016 14:06

I was just fooling around with a couple of reblogs over on Tumblr. Here a sexy one that I seriously pondered -- I added an overly casual caption: "Nailed it! Of course, the tongue is mightier than the sword! (The latter an egregious reference to the penis...)"

My girlfriend Katie and I have talked quite seriously about my "ideological" lesbianism. In fact, though I'm her FIRST girlfriend (and it's a responsibility I take seriously), she's a longtime student of the het/homo DIVIDE. She will laugh at the above caption -- which I consciously wrote to parody a point of view I'd long held.

Then she'll make a joke from the other side of that divide -- something about swordsmen she has known, if not exactly loved. At which point, I'd likely mention what a tomboy I was "back in the day"... (Even further back, when I was a mere ten years old, there WAS Lori, a proto-butchie cousin of mine.)

But, hey, gender identity REMAINS a somewhat sensitive terrain. I wish I could talk it through with good ol' Shane, the unforgettable butch in "The L-Word." And then there's Katie to keep me honest.

blogging, barbies, bedfelllows, beautiful breasts

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