The evening grows late, well past midnight -- OMG I'm into a tumblr new to me, by a sweet girl named Catalina. I soon selected nine of her girls (the same girl sans panties in two shots, and two girls [one a butchie in a tux] in one photo), reblogging them with comments directed to Catalina -- all my August choices up to 1:30 am. See them, all with my silly captions-- But what is super-cool about Catalina is her attitude toward sex: she's a "freedom-loving sapphic female exploring tender feminine playgrounds, unveiling all the varied facets of femininity in the female universe, without taboos or any masculine restrictions or infiltrations..." Great, right?
Well, there IS a tiny problem. Also on her delicious home-page ("fantasies, desires, lifestyle, kinks"), she says "what you absolutely won't see in my blog are photos celebrating SUBMISSIVENESS and DOMINATION ... Whoever finds that having control over another person, or giving oneself up to the will and power of someone else, has anything to do with love, tenderness or appreciation of beauty has a serious problem in my eyes..."
She explains all this in sophisticated terms, eventually declaring "... if you really believe in that, then your mindset is caught in a fatal carousel that revolves around an unevolved self-awareness. For the mind, games do not exist -- whoever 'plays' [as] children and animals, does that for a training purpose... if you think you're just playing games, here's the bad news: you're just brainwashing yourself.."
So, no "furries" or "baby girls," eh? (Goddess knows what Catalina would think of my sweet friends, the Pony-girls! AND what they would think of her...)