"Regular disorder..."

Nov 19, 2015 12:17


Dana Milbank, the Post's excellent commentator, writes today concerning new House Speaker Paul Ryan's unsubtly abandoning his vow to restore "regular order" -- that is, the Congressional procedures that make it more responsive to all members (including, alas, the "tea-partiers" of the far -- indeed, wacky -- right).

To be sure, the abandonment of "regular order" serves -- guess who? -- those fatuous conservative assholes who grabbed the headlines this week, vowing to turn away Syrian refugees. That's right, the "widows and orphans" seeking refuge here -- who, as President Obama noted, SCARE state governors and other pander-politicos.

As Milbank explains, so-called emergency legislation has been drafted and is being pushed through the House without any protections offered under "regular order" -- no committee hearings, no floor amendments allowed* and no input from the Executive branch.

The result is a bill that supposedly strengthens anti-terrorist vetting (clearance) of refugees -- but in fact it merely slows the effective (and glacial) procedures already in place. Milbank assumes such an abomination would be quickly vetoed by Obama -- leaving Republicans to carp about him being "soft on terror."

In short, Ryan fails his first test, even as he allows knee-jerk rightists to pander to "nativist" extremists. He pleases the assholes while betraying his promises to them...

* Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi asked Ryan to allow amendments; he refused.
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