A busy Saturday

Nov 08, 2015 09:37

It's eight o'clock Sunday morn. Lovely sunshine is pounding its way through the blinds, waking me after a mere six hours of sleep -- and I'm the girl who "doesn't do mornings" (as a t-shirt of mine proclaims).

An early start, then. Yesterday had been busy -- starting early, since it was the regular first-Saturday monthly meeting of a quasi-religious group of Joanne's friends out in Bethesda, MD. Yep, I'm included at her earnest request because, she thinks, it's good for my all-too-irreligious self. It's not the worst such discussion group: some 20-25 intelligent folks who -- politely -- question selected Catholic tenets, admit to doubts personal and philosophical, and encourage soul-searching.

I'd agreed a year ago to accompany Joanne to one of the Saturday sessions. You see, I long ago displeased her by refusing to attend mass with her at her Georgetown parish -- since I loathe the damned Church, hating both the stupid ritual AND the miserable, retrograde institution behind it. To please her, I do go with her to a few holidays/holy-days like Easter and Christmas; other Sundays she sings in the choir, so she's always in good company -- its one of her INTENSE social milieus (see below for another). And she drags me to various events

Anyway, we later went to lunch at an Irish pub, accompanied by a half-dozen of her friends from the group; I admit they're convivial folks, and it was enjoyable.

Then it was on to an early-afternoon party among Joanne's friends from her "continuing education" bunch in suburban Arlington, VA; it's called Encore Learning, offering college-level classes in a bunch of disciplines from neuro-ethics to Greek history. She volunteers in the administering of same and continually attends 8-week courses "just for fun." I know quite a few of her pals from there, so the socializing is painless...

Finally back home by late afternoon, then binge-watched TV (high point: the BeeGees on PBS!) all the way to Saturday Night Live -- the much-anticipated show with "guest host" Donald Trump. (We're SNL veterans, though nowadays don't see it very ofter -- we hardly know the latest iteration of the continuing cast...) Trump was not un-amusing in the context, submitting to the show's fairly gentle sarcasm: there was a hilarious send-up of two girls aspiring to be sluts, creating supposedly pornographic Trump info-mercials. There was also a cute bit with him and TWO impersonators from the show's regular cast.

I notice this morning that the show was panned: http://www.thewrap.com/saturday-night-live-review-donald-trump-episode-is-nbc-franchise-at-its-worst/ "... Larry David [who also did his impersonation of Bernie Sanders] called him a racist. So there’s that." It recognized that bit as "funny and clever... a reference to an actual Hispanic advocacy group’s offer to pay $5,000 to anyone who interrupted Trump during the show with that line."

dumb, humor, sleepy-eyed, sanctimony, sig-other, philosophical, horror show

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