"Redskins" vs. Adidas -- may the best mocassin win!

Nov 06, 2015 11:28


You gentle readers NOT from the Washington DC area may not track the name of our indifferent-to-lousy NFL team quite as closely as we and President Obama do.

It is, however, important in terms of political correctness and historical fairness. And now athletic-goods maker Adidas has rung in with an offer to high-school and other non-pro teams to help finance their changing team-names derogatory to native Americans. And, as the Post's article today explains, they stepped into a hornets' nest!

The President got into the act yesterday as he hosted a Tribal Nations Conference -- where Adidas made its offer. Obama joked that he "didn't know if Adidas made the same offer to a certain NFL team here in Washington. But they might want to think about that as well." FYI Obama has long pressed that team's owner to change the name, but the insensitive jerk, Dan Snyder, has vowed to keep the offensive name.

The team immediately rejected Adidas's approach, calling it "hypocracy, changing names at the high-school level..."
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