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Comments 4

anais_pf September 3 2015, 20:38:43 UTC
Nope, you are wrong about "generally in their 20s." I know quite a few "little girls" who are well into their 30s, 40s and 50s. I also know quite a few "little boys" in a similar age range.


Anais -- how perfect you're here! devifemme September 3 2015, 21:10:08 UTC
Ooh, that's exciting, Anais. I'm delighted to know about "littles" of all ages and genders -- you and I had written each other about these things a couple of years ago.

Funny, you commented just as I was finishing this post: I added myself to what was supposed to be TWO examples of punishment. For obscure reasons, I decided to account for my own spanking in what I thought would be the first comment; you, however, bumped me down to SECOND. No harm no foul -- just amusing to hear your thoughts about the age of "littles"...

BTW I'm not really a "little," myself; I've always been punished as a consenting (very) adult. Joanne was just who she was (by no means a "daddy"): someone who fed my lovely addiction... until she didn't.


Re: Anais -- how perfect you're here! anais_pf September 4 2015, 00:58:10 UTC
Oh, I know you're not a little! I do wish you still had a domme.

My impression is that many of the littles I know do not get such severe beatings from their daddies or mommies. They spend most of their "little time" coloring or having juice and cookies or other typical small-child activities. But yes, if they misbehave, they can indeed get some swats on the behind from their "big."


Justine is disciplined, though not as well as Joanne used to do it... devifemme September 3 2015, 20:59:50 UTC
As you sweet friends know, I'm a fan of erotic spanking/whipping. Not having a dominatrix these days, I invent interesting reasons to whip myself with the charger cord from a cellphone (doubled, it's just the right weight and length; it has a lovely "whooshing" sound ( ... )


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