"Corset Monday," anyone?

Aug 24, 2015 07:59


I'm delighted with how current -- and HOT! -- this old photo (from 1960) still IS!


Then I rediscovered a delicious photo from a few months ago, going back from a tag ("corset") I just chose for this posting. (It's my “old-tags game,” if you’re wondering. You sweet followers/friends can play the game at home, TOO -- just click on a tag I put on most of my postings. Anything that provokes your...curiosity!)


And THEN I flipped to my earliest post picked up by the tag "corset" -- http://devifemme.livejournal.com/981701.html It's about a posting by my wonderful LJ friend "ready2please" (R2P for short) back in 2011* -- her accompanying story is amazing. Here's the direct link if you want to see her post -- http://ready2please.livejournal.com/112033.html Thank you again, my sweet!

* Back then, as you'll see in my text, I had created a rather silly "PW rating" thing; it... um, had to do with how... er, wet my panties got for a given sexy photo. (Until a year ago, I attached naughty photos from Flickr to many of my posts.) The numbers were originally 1-10, but "grade inflation" prompted me constantly to invent higher numbers. As I say, SILLY!

in this case -- yes, panties down, old, corset

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