BDSM for prudes -- "restrained restraint"

Jul 23, 2015 10:05

First, I must disavow this caption (the computer does them -- honest!); it's NOT "one of mine" -- it's from the evocatively named "kneelbegcrawl"...

Next, I gotta explain my "subject" line: you'll have noticed this chained-up girl named Daisy is in her swimsuit -- a rare case of "restrained restraint" -- most dominants (male and female) would have ripped off her clothes, and quite possibly her undies as well. And perhaps even played with, orifices.

No, I'm NOT criticizing ripping off a model's clothes! (Where would Tumblr be if it weren't for lack of impulse control?!) Damn, I love me a naked chick being "forced" into sub-space. (Note the quote marks, please; we've talked here about consensual non-consent [versus rape], and I trust we all know the difference.)

But I'm amused that some people get off by NOT getting off!


Just ANOTHER word about my "old tags" game here: I'm amused that my very-erotic list of hundreds of years-old tags actually yielded four suitably prudish tags: bondage, not nude, not topless, and bare shoulder. (Note the "not's"...) I venture to say one seldom sees "bondage" and "not nude" together.

Although, come to think of it, some bondage sites DO have a few shots of fully dressed girls; fuck, I've usually skipped right past them. Heck, I've even seen a number of uncomfortable-looking girls in handcuffs or wearing ball-gags -- actually, in THIS shot, the bikini-clad model is sporting one! -- whilst being (in)appropriately attired.

bare shoulder, not nude, not topless, bondage

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