Trump is a "stupid" jerk -- WPost

Jul 21, 2015 15:25

"IT’S RARE that we dedicate our attention to marginal presidential candidates. But for a man as objectionable as Donald Trump, we will make an exception..."

So begins the Post's lead edit today. Its focus is on Trump's "abandonment of any sense of shame" in attacking "... the authentic heroism" of Sen. John McCain. It says he practices "extreme pandering that tickles populist nerve endings..." in reference to its front-page headline, also today, "Trump takes big GOP lead in poll."

Would-be Republican voters are truly "crazies" (as McCain joked) if they're so desperate as to listen to a jerk like Trump.

Guess who is Godzilla? Op-ed writer Eugene Robinson writes that "It says something about our politics that denigrating McCain’s war record was seen as more transgressive than claiming the government of Mexico is deliberately sending hordes of rapists and other criminals across the border into the United States."

He quoted Sen. Lindsay Graham saying Trump's remarks were "stupid" and plain disqualified him for eventual commander-in-chief.

His point about Godzilla: "Even if the McCain flap were to cost Trump fully half of his support, which I think is highly unlikely, he’d still be a top-tier candidate...." In short, killing Godzilla ain't gonna be easy!
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