The Reventador "roadster" (convertible) is available for a mere 480,000 dollars. (How much is that in the new Greek drachmas, you ask? As J.P. Morgan famously bitched, "if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it.")
I was happy this morning to find out what "reventador" derives from; it's "Spanish for 'exploder' or 'ripper'..." and is the name of an active volcano* in Ecuador. A year or two ago, I first heard of the new Lambo model -- promptly trying to figure out what inspired an Italian car company to name its sexiest design for what some Spanish dictionaries define as "a fan or ventilator." ("Viento" means a strong breeze.) A volcano is, indeed, a likelier explanation.
* Back when I lived in Quito in the 80s, the worrisome volcano there was Cotopaxi, 30-odd miles east of the city; there were projections that, if Coto blew, ash and a lava flow could endanger Quito. Reventador is further east yet, but I see that it's become the country's most active volcano since I left in 1989.