I mentioned here a few days back that I'd recorded "Gone Girl" on cable-TV, and was just trying to find a free moment to watch the thing.
Joanne and I had a quiet evening tonight, and we both liked it VERY much. Ben Affleck stars as the husband and Rosamund Pike* as his "troubled" wife -- and she has by far the tougher role. One suggestion of just HOW tough is an illustration I found on Tumblr --
http://ultradevi.tumblr.com/post/123625598112/varshavijayan-a-little-drawing-based-on-gone. Varsha captures her vivid portrayal -- but I don't want to give away too much of the wild plot. If you haven't seen in in a theater, go find it on HBO or Netflix! It's amazing!
Funny enough, we also recorded from HBO a recent Tom Cruise flick called "Jack Reacher" -- which also stars Rosamund, a British actress who plays "American" quite well in both films. We only saw the first half, but I can tell it's a very different role from what you saw in Varsha's stark painting...
Again, I want to call you kind readers' attention to the little "game" I play with my existing stock of tags (me being a nonpaying customer, LJ doesn't allow any new ones). I was delighted with the four (I always choose only four) I happened to find among the several hundred I set up five years ago. These ("movie, gone, girl, naughty smile") were quite descriptive, not least "gone, girl"...
* Funny enough, we also recorded from HBO a recent Tom Cruise flick called