Taylor Swift and her sometime girlfriend Karlie

Jun 30, 2015 12:26

http://ultradevi.tumblr.com/post/122861466907/justine-another-shot-from-taylor-and-karlies --
Finding this shot from late 2014 reminded me of Taylor and Karlie's intriguing relationship (or, for younger readers, their "ship" -- as in "Karlie's shipping Tay-Tay").

http://ultradevi.tumblr.com/post/122883959127/justine-this-is-a-candid-of-karlie-posted-only --
This is a “candid” of Karlie, posted only 12 hours ago. Since I understand from other reblogs by Karlie that she is currently in London (and Taylor had a show there in the past few days -- Kendall Jenner* and other “posse” members attended), we can presume they’ve reunited there.

http://ultradevi.tumblr.com/post/122884940007/justine-according-to-tags-this-is-cara-gigi --
According to tags (which don't seem to pass to reblogs like this one), this is Cara, Gigi Haddad (rich girl hanger-on in Karlie/Cara's world), and Karlie herself (it’s on her personal tumblr). Again, note that Kendall is currently Cara’s main squeeze.

http://ultradevi.tumblr.com/post/122917112692/justine-aha-heres-a-shot-from-karlies-tumblr --
I dug deeper into Karlie's tumblr, and finally found tags on this photo yesterday that indicate Karlie WAS at the Hyde Park concert. Though there IS also a tag for "Taylor," I don't think the blonde behind Karlie is Ms. Swift, alas!

* who is Kaitlyn Jenner's daughter (hence a Kardashian in all but name). Seemingly determined to grab as many headlines as her pop...er, mom does, Kendall is seen currently as the girlfriend of supermodel Cara Delevingne. Even "Entertainment Tonight" speculated they are bedmates.

threesomes, provocative, lesbians i think, the girl

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