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Comments 8

make_your_move June 27 2015, 11:14:30 UTC


devifemme June 27 2015, 22:24:20 UTC
Thanks, "make..." It is nice to hear from you -- and I'm delighted you like Scott Church as much as I do.


pony_rocks June 27 2015, 19:44:15 UTC
VERA exciting. :D


devifemme June 27 2015, 22:27:23 UTC
Thank you, Anna! It was predicted fairly widely -- though you would NOT have thought so if you judged by the over-the-top reactions of assorted Republicans. (Shows a certain capacity for self-delusion, huh?)


pony_rocks June 29 2015, 12:35:38 UTC
Over-the-top reactions? Will you recommend me some particularly amusing ones? :D
(I mean something juicier than "Jesus wept." :D)


devifemme June 29 2015, 15:49:15 UTC
A rather marginal Repub candidate, Huckabee, pronounced definitively -- "One of three things is true: [President Obama] was either lying in 2008 [about not favoring gay marriage], he's lying now, or God rewrote the bible and Barack Obama is the only one who got the new edition..."

Note that it was God who "rewrote" the Bible... Huckabee is a classic fundamentalist...


awakenyourfaith June 27 2015, 22:19:04 UTC
SO exciting!


devifemme June 27 2015, 22:28:13 UTC
Pretty cool -- if only for the way it pissed off many Republicans...


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