Painful satire

May 12, 2015 00:48

A most timely bit of satire, aimed at those graduating from universities and colleges across this fair(ly overpriced) land of ours. Quite cute -- but it saddens me to note how absurdly the U.S. prices its higher education, and how we have collectively stumbled into a massive financial trap. Two or three decades ago, university tuitions were much less expensive, compared to almost every other good and service out there -- and, yeah, we might have griped a bit about $8-10,000 in student loans back then, but we paid them off in a couple of relatively painless years.

Now it can well exceed a hundred thou, and THAT is a hell of a burden to place on kids just starting careers -- with salaries, if they're lucky (and computer geniuses), twice what we got, starting out... but debts eight or ten times what we had.

Sorry, kids -- we sure fucked up! Wish I could see some way to cheer you up, more than a silly photo...

wasting time, revolution, s/m, fucking sad

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