Not a big deal, but I've long been been intrigued by these aerial discharges* of static electricity. specially in summertime.
As you lovely friends can attest, there isn't much that can tear me away from the womanly charms seen on Tumblr -- the odd sports-car, an occasional dramatic landscape... and these freaky bolts from the blue!
* To quote NASA, for "cloud-to-ground lightning, a channel of negative charge, called a stepped leader [invisible to the human eye], will zigzag downward in roughly 50-yard segments in a forked pattern... [it] is attracted to a channel of positive charge reaching up...When [they] connect, a... return stroke of bright luminosity travels about 60,000 miles per second back towards the cloud..." More rarely, the inverse happens, the leader connects up from the ground, triggering a downward discharge... and then there is cloud-cloud lighting, etc. (Don't get me started on blue jets, upward superbolts, red sprites and other stuff...)