
Mar 23, 2014 14:45

Commenting on an LJ friend's post just now, I recalled for her a funny incident from my international travels. Maybe you "rawveri" readers will be amused:

I used to have a few words of Japanese -- just enough, as they say, to get me into trouble. Walking around Tokyo, quite a few years ago, I spotted an utterly charming, non-touristy sushi bar. I marched in, sat at the bar, and got myself a Kirin beer, some gorgeous sushi -- but there was no wasabi served with it. People around me had it on THEIR plates...but I'd forgot, of ALL things, the word wasabi. Could NOT, for the life of me, recall it. And I was too courteous to POINT at it on my neighbor's plate -- so I (*sigh*) did without it...

beer, pouting, international, languages --- franca & otherwise

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