Just posted this erotic gem --
http://ultradevi.tumblr.com/post/80359075941/girls-fingers-in-her-mouth-oh-i-hope-so-we (The full caption reads: "GIRL’s fingers in her mouth? Oh, I hope so - we wouldn’t show a guy fucking around on THIS blog"...)
That is an old "rule" in my blogging: no males shown in my reposted/reblogged photos. No offense, boys, I love having you around here, while I'm leering at the girlies -- just don't get in my way!
The reason for the caption on this shot -- as on others: I cannot sometimes tell the gender of a photographed HAND (or certain other extremities). And, as here, the shot is so delicious that I WANT to put it up. In this one, a collared and kneeling naked girl (yes!) is being pulled by her leash; her owner's hand is fondling her mouth.
In my "instant fantasy" (WHAT? Do you take a lot of time to formulate yours?), I'm being pulled toward MY owner* -- and I'm damned if that loving person turns out to be MALE!
* who, as you attentive readers have seen here in the past couple of days, is a girl's girl -- called by me simply "F"...