I do enjoy Tumblr, as you sweet readers are all too aware. It is mostly great, though there ARE squick-worthy blogs I work hard to avoid. (Yeah, I know -- one girl's toe-nibbling [!] is another girl's squick**... ) This morning I saw a reference to the pornstar Cherry Crush, soon finding myself on her "official tumblr." She's pretty anodyne, but there's another girl muscling in on her action. And HER blog is replete with photos of actual little girls -- I was shocked! I'd already reblogged a harmless photo of a fancy garter, combining PINKNESS and what seem to be industrial-grade stocking fasteners. So I pulled that reblog back and scribbled a blunt warning. Some bloggers do this as a kind of "legalese" protection; I do it (note the Livejournal warning on my blog!) because child-porn is the ULTIMATE squick! Not to say seriously illegal! Here's my repost and my specific text:
http://ultradevi.tumblr.com/post/79879515860/a-memorable-if-complicated-garter-seen-on *****************************
A memorable (if complicated!) garter seen on Cherry Crush…
- Justine here: This seems to be from “ninachu” - a blog I saw on Cherry Crush’s site, evidently also into “little girl” fantasizing. Cherry Crush herself shows a bit of cocksucking - kind of past my “squick!” level. Wonder if “ninachu” is purveying the same sort of “wounded innocence”… she is a lesbian or bi, evidently. (I’m proceeding cautiously, not only for the tasteless stuff but also because some of the links seem to be to underage kids. )
Go away, children! My blog is NOT for you!
** I trust most readers know about the neo-blogism*** "squick!" (Almost always with the exclamation point!) But for my English-as-second-language friends, here's Urban Dictionary: "To be repulsed, disgusted, or otherwise made uncomfortable. Usually describes a reaction to certain types of NWS [not safe for work -- that is, could be glimpsed by someone passing one's cubicle -- the boss, say] content..."
*** I just made that up, but wasn't the first, alas: