LJ's bold lesbian communities

Jan 28, 2014 00:35

In the past two months, I've stayed in touch with two amazing lesbian communities dedicated to developing intricate poly relationships. I just asked a girl from one of them how old she was, having decided she was likely a hell of a lot wiser than her years would suggest. I was right; she responded that she was "almost 24" and her primary partner and she had been together since their first year of college; they also knew from that time a "triple" -- THREE girls exploring sex and love, mainly among themselves. All five are involved to this day, and they (and others) constitute just one interrelated group among dozens in two larger lesbian communities.

So I just responded, as follows. I'm leaving out names and other specifics, since I haven't told them I would repost my message. (I trust one or more will drop by here to comment, providing access and other details.)


So you two have been together for five years, AND known F/D/B the whole time -- you two essentially taking on the sophisticated values of a committed triple even as you explored your relationship with S. Pardon my harping on the subject -- but, truly, you FIVE and all your newer companions have such a terrific grasp of realities the rest of us literally couldn't IMAGINE doing.

We also "were pretty much bed hopping each weekend." That is, back in the '80s, when [my SigOther and I] were kind of hip lesbians, the most profound thought I was capable of was to find someone I could be with forever. Alas, once we found each other, the TWO of us girls never imagined we might need flexibility and other outlets as our once-fabulous sexual relationship underwent decades of stress and disappointments. Triumphs, too, and a deep love that -- as they fatuously say -- "abides" even without sex!

But, back to you. I am just thrilled that your communities managed to create a fanciful-but-grounded sexual "force-field" that shelters you but lets you all grow as and how you can. I hope you don't get tired of me inquiring into bits of your exciting reality -- and your openness, thus far, bodes well for me hanging around a little while longer.

Kisses, J

slaves, naughty smile, lesbians, ya think?

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