Pussy art

Jan 17, 2014 10:15

I just found a fabulous artist on Tumblr. The 24-year-old Aussie named Addison (shades of the US television series Private Practice!) almost exclusively* portrays women, though the occasional cat also turns us. Here she is http://adiessketchbook.tumblr.com/post/66364300157 In my naughty fashion, I captioned my reblog (Tumblr-ese for reposting) "Okay, Adie also likes cats! Come for the ladies; stay for the pussies!"


* raising the obvious (to me, anyway) question of whether Addison is a lezzie as well. Not known for my shyness on the subject, I've asked her (in Tumblr's "Ask" format). Maybe we'll find out.

tres-girlie, lesbian?, cat ladies, remarkable story

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