When The Colour Is Right

Jan 06, 2014 08:55

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Comments 7

alicephilippa January 6 2014, 15:26:43 UTC
An Aston Martin should be British Racing Green. Any other colour is just plain wrong.


devifemme January 6 2014, 17:32:54 UTC
Interesting point, which I do share -- to some extent. But other esthetics are out there, and Chen's works* frequently show vivid colors on Chinese cars.

Which reminds me of a story, told to me by a Cadillac exporter in Washington twenty-odd years ago. At the time, Caddy made a smaller model -- which my friend said could be just fitted into a cargo plane "if you took off the side mirrors." Why this was significant, he added, was that he had several Saudi princes as clients. It was their thing to give new cars to certain tribal leaders, and they liked to specify exotic colors -- AND have the car within days to gift it. Lavender seemed to be big, and chartreuse.


* I note he seems to Photoshop a lot, including color-coordinating some sort of sign (his logo??) in the background. So it's possible his art extends to colors beyond what's sprayed on the cars... Check out his Flickr; great stuff there!


devifemme January 6 2014, 17:52:38 UTC
I see I didn't welcome Alice to the blog. It's so nice to find a Geordie on LJ (not that I'm otherwise involved in such a crowd...). I also enjoy her photography Website -- http://gallery.cheval.org.uk -- including lots of cat photos AND 40-odd shots of those ubiquitous full-sized fiberglass COWS, wildly painted by artists and made the theme of quite a few cities worldwide.

Since I'm introducing her, I think she won't take it amiss is I include a quote from her User Page: "A hedonistic, free-spirited, but submissive, pain slut, who can be a brat with a sense of humour when the mood takes her."

And you thought, with the cats and the British Racing Green, Alice was in ANY way ordinary!


ggary January 6 2014, 19:57:49 UTC
That photgraph is seeeeexxxxxxxxy! I'm reminded of another quote, this time from GOLDFINGER : "This is Gold, Mr Bond. All my life I've been in love with its colour...its brilliance, It's divine heaviness". All that and an Aston Martin badge....


devifemme January 6 2014, 21:22:27 UTC
So, apparently, nobody remembers Treasure of the Sierra Madre??


ggary January 6 2014, 23:16:15 UTC
Not remember TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE? What in the name of Fred C. Dobbs can you possibly mean?! My wife always accuses me of being needlessly pedantic, so I have to say that the exact quote is " Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges".

I seem to remember a BBC documentary from years back called THE QUEST FOR B TRAVEN, listing everything known about the famously anonymous author of TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE. Nobody is absolutely certain who he was. His real name, nationality, date of birth and personal history are all in dispute. Some people think that he was German actor and anarchist Ret Marut, whilst another theory is that he was the illegitimate son of Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany (although the guy behind that theory was involved in the forged Hitler diaries back in the 80s...)


devifemme January 7 2014, 06:29:24 UTC
Thanks, Gary, for vindicating my decision to ask that question. I presumed you (and others here) commanded a deep feeling for the film. Some of your details on the mysterious B. Traven are new to me. I might pursue them...


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