Originally posted by
scottchurch at
with a rebel yell Good ol' Scott Church continues to offer his luscious erotic photos. This model's lovely derriere and the way she's fondling that mean-looking bullwhip create a spicy mood. Her thrilling hair-color also adds pizazz.
Coincidentally, I've just joined another LJ sex community -- bipolypagangeek, which seems to offer all things to all folks. It's a very friendly place. I just posted there my thoughts on freewheeling sex. As you lovely readers know, I am FOR it, even if my longtime sig-other Joanne won't consider anything like an open relationship. In my post, I mention my Tumblr blogs and my reblogging femmie photos from Flickr (with its frustrations). I even mention Scott's delightful arrangement to share shots like THIS one.