Put Your Heart in My Chest.

Nov 12, 2013 14:11

Put Your Heart in My Chest., a photo by SaylaMarz on Flickr.
As I commented to Rena about one of Brigid's photos Sunday, "Sayla" shows wonderful style in titling her photos. The shot here seems to catch her introspecting moodily; it really grabbed me -- "putting one's heart in another's chest" seems darned poetic!

I asked as gently as I could (me, the bull -- well, the milkcow -- in the china shop!) what it was about. In her cheerful way, she responded "contemplating quitting my job."

Well, sure, but what about lost loves, consummated or not -- or exotic foreign adventures, or running for President (2016 is on the horizon...), or the future of the novel?

Seriously, I try not to snoop TOO much in exercising this little vocation I've evolved for myself. But I've come to know Brigid over several years; her collection offers more intimacy (not to say skin!) than do many other Flickr members' efforts. I feel privileged -- as if she's more of a friend than many I have in real life.

So, no, I don't need to know about the lost loves; on the other hand, if she takes on Hillary, I expect to learn that at an EARLY moment!

threesomes, intrigue, politics strange bedfellows, damsel in distress

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