More about Tumblr than you lovely readers want to know...

Oct 23, 2013 11:16

Sorry to be back SO quickly with more of my blogging on Tumblr. (Honest! I love you guys here; Tumblr is just a passing thing -- except when it's with LJers who also "heart" Tumblr!)

This reblog* is cute, evidently from some movie or TV show. "Coaching" a lesbian, Dean can't get her to smile erotically until he says "Scarlett Johansson's waiting for you." Go see it --


katanachan: "That time Dean coached a lesbian on how to flirt with a man."

I don't usually allow guys into "my" photos here (not a hard rule -- just a preference), but Anna, one of my Czech friends, and I were just chatting about Scarlett. Woohoo, she HAS to inspire us lezzies MORE than any other actress!


* Please note that I call them "reblogs" there (Tumblr parlance) but "posts" (obviously more serious!) here on LJ.

masturbation, scarlett, wanting to touch, sappho

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