Explaining Tumblr to an outsider

Oct 13, 2013 23:32

Just now, I replied to a charming comment, containing an LJ friend's recommendation of several of her country's photographers who did classic nudes. I checked out two, for which she'd provided URLs. She didn't specify anything for a third one, so I got the notion that, nudes being "hard currency" on Tumblr, I could find some of his work picked up by members. In fact, it was way TOO easy, as some of you lovely readers are well aware. But THAT meant I needed to explain the whole Tumblr deal to someone who didn't know it, including some insidious implications. It struck me, after finishing my reply, that a large part of it might be of some interest here.


... it'd be sobering to see how extensively he's been picked up by the jackels* (including Yrs Truly!) over on Tumblr.

... Incidentally, I confess that I reblogged one of his -- please come to my "soft-focus" blog** at ultradevi2.tumblr.com . (I'd like to give you a specific location but, unfortunately, one cannot provide meaningful URLs for one's reblogs there. Justice for the plunderers? To be themselves at a loss...) Just start with my latest reblogs (that is, "posts" if they were on LJ) on ultradevi2, and it should come to hand.

Sorry, this didn't go in QUITE the direction I'd intended it to go.


* Many of us are NICE jackels, but we're part of a vast conspiracy to overwhelm traditional claims on copyright for photographs. I don't presume it was begun with that intention, but the mechanism to allow reblogging of a shot from anywhere on Tumblr to anywhere else there -- well, it exploded into gazillions of sex-images (and others -- but they aren't NEAR as much naughty fun!). Many of them lose their entire "provenance" (term in the art world for the creator, model, subsequent owners, etc.) which -- when separated from a photo -- means, almost literally, they become orphans.

** There is a less discreet version -- just plain "ultradevi" -- but I thought you might like to "get your feet wet" on the gentler one. Some of my LJ friends prefer not to be hit by sudden sex-scenes on their Tumblrs. As it happens, I myself am averse to explicit male sex pictures -- and so I am careful which bloggers I "follow" (Designating a Tumblr blog as one you "follow" means any future posts by that blogger are automatically shown on one's "Dashboard" [like those we get on our LJ when we click on "friends"].) Do you understand? Please ask if I've confused you.

shameless, real life, tumblr, damsel in distress

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