Wow, that was a welcome blast from the past. That's Jenni from about 3 houses and quite a few makeovers ago. When I started SL, Jenni had this little 'council house' with an empty upstairs. I moved in and decorated, hence the red carpet, bookcase, sofa and coffee table. Jen later gave me the pink piano as a present. She's not wearing her shoe alphas right (silly girl!) so her heels look all wrong. She was very lovely then and those were fun times.
Yeah, shoes are one of the more complex things to wear in SL. Shirts, jackets, trousers don't change the shape of the body inside, but high heels do. Without shoes on, you have bare, flat feet. With shoes on, you would still have flat feet, so they have to add a kind of foot-in-a-high-heel-shoe shape to it and hide the flat foot, which they do with a sort of invisibility 'alpha' mask. This unfortunately masks out bits of shoe and furniture and all sorts if it's not set right.
To wear a pair of high heels, you must wear shoe left + shoe right + alphas + foot shaper and make sure they all appear at the ends of your legs, not halfway up or through the floor! In this photo, Jenni has not set her alphas properly.
If that all sounds a bit horrendous, don't worry. It's not and after you've set it once, you don't have to do it again.
To wear a pair of high heels, you must wear shoe left + shoe right + alphas + foot shaper and make sure they all appear at the ends of your legs, not halfway up or through the floor! In this photo, Jenni has not set her alphas properly.
If that all sounds a bit horrendous, don't worry. It's not and after you've set it once, you don't have to do it again.
BTW have you wandered on Tumblr lately? I keep commenting to you on ultradevi2, and I don't seem to have many other followers there...
Hugz, J
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