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ggary September 17 2013, 19:47:29 UTC
Sorry that you didn't like the spoof 'bum out of her dress' advert Karen. It does reflect my, at times, rather childish sense of humour. The photo of the Tussauds waxwork reminded me of the 'Waxwork Game' that I've played on the few times that I've visited Madame Tussauds (essentially, I get near a plinth, stand stock still until I get a crowd gathering round me arguing about which celebrity I'm supposed to be, then smile and walk away). I have to say that, in my opinion, the waxwork of Kylie is bloody awful. It looks nothing like her. They don't really have any excuse for it being that bad, as it's not as if she's a difficult person to find pictures of ( ... )


karenpiper September 17 2013, 22:57:52 UTC
I've never been to Tussaud's, probably because having seen that Kylie waxwork, there doesn't seem much appeal. I've seen other waxworks in other countries of Kylie, but they're all pretty ropey.

I guess the next 'key course unit' in Kylie 101 for Justine must be this:

...which I hope works ok stateside. Apparently, it has been voted sexiest cinema advert of all time. Alas, I never saw it in IMAX 3D, but it looks pretty good on YouTube anyway. It's for the lingerie brand Agent Provocateur a few years before Love Kylie appeared. I seem to remember reading that Kylie earned £125k for this and it was such a fun afternoon's work for her that she donated the money to charity. What's not to like about her?

I wonder if the Kylie + Geri clip will work... It should be of particular interest to Justine...


devifemme September 18 2013, 04:06:27 UTC
Sorry, sweetie, it didn't work. But I succeeded in dialing up the Kylie + Geri kiss! Very cute!


devifemme September 18 2013, 04:43:48 UTC
Oh, yes, now it's working fine. In fact, I especially enjoyed the various Agent Provocateur sequences, including the one with Rosie Whatzer-Name. Thank you both so much for working so deliciously on my education!

Kisses, J


devifemme September 18 2013, 04:51:55 UTC
The AP ad of Kylie on the Bucking Bull machine was so VERY sexy; must have really really sold bras and panties, at least to us lesbians. Also saw the "love me tender" one (not Kylie), speaking of who buys AP's lingerie -- hitting the guys for Valentine's Day!


devifemme September 18 2013, 04:45:38 UTC
Yeah, the StreetKa advert -- Kylie looks miles better than the car...as I commented somewhere on here...


karenpiper September 18 2013, 13:01:44 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you managed to see all the bits somehow, Justine. You must be one of the most knowledgeable Americans in Kylie 101 already! I'll round off now with a few other tiny details...

There was a Love Kylie lingerie advert too, but only us real Kylie-istas generally know about it.

... )


devifemme September 19 2013, 03:46:32 UTC
Ummmm, Karen, I REALLY loved her lingerie ad -- the white bra/panties with black lace trim are delicious. I'd love to buy just THAT combo! She looks sooo fetching as she hops, skips and cavorts for the camera, caressing herself (dare I think masturbation?) and wiggling that fabulous derriere! I also checked out her song atop Pegasus, but didn't find the same exuberant charm.

On the other hand, I enjoyed the Lexus hybrid advert, with all that drumming as the leitmotiv, and Kylie keeping up by tapping her own lovely fingers on the steering wheel. Clever! BTW Joanne's car is a Ford Escape hybrid, so we're doing our bit to save fuel.

Kisses, J


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