(no subject)

Sep 01, 2013 17:51

My fine Finn friend Kattidya ("Miia," as I mentioned recently) referred this afternoon to a gamer personage named Tavish DeGroot. Well, I was curious so I Googled -- finding myself plunged into that arcane world for a half-hour! One small trophy of that expedition is a delicious kind of cartoon by Gigi d'Agostino, called "the Riddle" -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DcfXVL0mh0

But, back to Miia. She also prompted me to re-state the basis of my "tags" fetish.


Miia -- You mentioned creating an LJ entry out of recycled Tweets. Great minds DO think alike: I've been creating adjuncts to my entries from 200 old tags -- I'd madly fashioned them a few years ago -- only to be frustrated by LJ's arbitrary 200-tag ceiling (for free accounts like mine), at which point I stopped doing them.

Then, a few months ago, I stumbled over them and saw how simply accessed they are, and I started quite casually choosing among them to DESCRIBE whatever the subject of the LJ post was. It's become a fun thing, and I am amazed -- like tarot cards -- at how much truth my stupid 200 tags can EXPRESS! Sometimes, I annex a few sentences to the post, explaining what I'm doing. Do come see (if you hadn't seen them previously).


So, OK, these 4 tags are perhaps a bit obvious, except "ellen" -- since I think the macro-blog "after ellen" (named for deGeneres' coming out as a lesbian in 1997) is literally awesome (dude!). It lovingly details the many lezzies in show-biz, and most anything that happens or DOESN'T happen to them -- or AROUND them. And it's a nearly full-time task to keep up with it. BTW Ellen isn't associated with it at all.

And that's WHY I chose that word...

ellen, panties down, ass, abstract, sore nipples, slut, kinkypanties, sluts, bathroom sex, philosophical, personal

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